Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Assignment # 1

  • What is your B.A. degree major, where did you complete it, and when?

I majored in law at Chungang University, Seoul, Korea and graduated in 1990.

  • If you are currently teaching, what is the school, grade, subject? Are your current and target teaching levels the same or different?

Currently I am a private tutor teaching from 1st grade to 9th grade.

My target teaching level is the same as my current teaching level.

  • What is your experience with the school curriculum as a learner and/or as a teacher?

I have not thought much about the curriculum as a learner.As a techer, I tried to fulfill students' needs in school. As a result, elementary school students more focus on speaking and middle school students study mostly grammar, vocabulary, and reading.

  • What mobile technologies are you comfortable with? Which applications do you use on your cell phone? Have you ever used mobile devices for language learning or teaching?

Since I took the CALL class in this TESOL course, I have been getting used to technologies. But I am not sure what mobile technologies are. On my cell phone, I make phone calls, take pictures, sent text messages, and check schedule.

  • What your expectations from a curriculum design course would be?

I expect to be able to evaluate other curriculums and design curriculums by myself.


  1. It's nice to meet you here.
    I was surprised that you majored in law!!
    How could you get through it? ^^*
